
Necronomicon Art Journal Project: Getting the Skin Tone

Moving forward on the journal has been slow.  Distractions abound.  Since the tone of the paper skin and fact that it Sad Necronomiconwas just a smidgen too small once pasted onto the book cover, I knew some corrective work was in order.

As the base, I laid down some Burnt Umber acrylic paint and let it dry thoroughly…and then didn’t do squat with it for a couple of weeks.  I told you I was distracted!

I lamented and procrastinated over how to get the paper skin to look like it went to the edges and how to fix the gaps without everything being super-shiny.  No one wants a shiny-skinned Necronomicon.  That would be weird.

You are Necronomicon!
Who’s a creepy book of the dead?!

Finally, after taking what I deemed a ‘mental health afternoon’, I came up with a solution to my dilemma:  Fiber Paste!  I had picked up some of the Golden Fiber Paste a while back on clearance and had dabbled with it here and there.  I really liked the look and feel of it and decided it would be perfect!

I blended some of the fiber paste with more of the burnt umber and, though the tone was much lighter, it worked beautifully when smooshed into all the crevices using my handy-dandy vinyl glove.

Lastly, I decided that I could paint the eye, nose and mouth holes today and used Mars Black to complete this task.  I then used the leftover burnt umber and mars black and made some low-lights around the immediate facial area to bring some depth to my ‘skin’.

Kind of a creepy ‘mental health afternoon’ project in retrospect.  Maybe next time I’ll get a massage!

Marie Wheeler