
Journal 52: For the Love of it…

The prompts for this week were ‘Nerdy Love’ or ‘Self Love’.  While I’m sure I specifically qualify as nerdy, I’m not really in the camp that has to define myself as such.  Yes, I nerd out on a lot of things, but it’s not a defining characteristic.  The self love prompt, well, I wasn’t going there.

I looked through my photo album, and in light of Valentine’s Day, though we don’t celebrate as such, decided to do a sketch for my love.

This photo is from the #TreyUSA San Francisco Photo Walk on September 19, 2015.  A.D., myself and most of his cohort walked along the Embarcadero taking photos and having a damn good time.

My love on the Embarcadero

This was a wonderful and special night and one that was as much fun as it was exhausting.  I think I ended up logging twice as many miles as I kept walking back and forth between groups.  I didn’t have a camera at that point, but I anticipate I would likely do the same again.  The best part of the night, beyond being with A.D., was getting chauffeured around SF after a chance meeting with a limo driver with nothing booked.  It was magic.

_DSC1133So, I practiced my perspective skills and did a pen, ink and watercolor of the scene.

I couldn’t get all of the lights, but I got a little bit and feel accomplished in this particular pursuit.

This year threatens to hold nearly as much fun with several trips being planned with more of the HLB crew and I honestly can’t wait.  Before A.D., I was a lone traveler and hiker and would never have imagined that we would be traveling and staying with other people.  It wasn’t something that I ever thought I would enjoy, but after last year, I can’t imagine not having this group of people around me and sharing in the learning and adventure.

If anyone who reads this or knows me now had met me a decade ago, they would not likely believe I am the same person.  Love hasn’t changed me, but it has allowed me to be myself.

Marie Wheeler


  • Great blog! Glad to be one of the HLB crew! I know how you feel. I was pretty much a loner until this photo thing got me out there with other people! The Arcanum has just pushed me to get to know & work with even more folks from all over the country & world even.