
LAHL: I am an Artist

The discussion this week from Love Art, Happy Life is on being an artist and having confidence in yourself as an artist.  I feel like this is applicable to much more than art though, but since this has turned in to mostly an art blog at this time, that is where I will start.

Over the course of the past year, I have come to feel more and more confident in the proposal of calling myself an artist and more than a simple hobbyist.  When I first started working with acrylics in January of 2014 with the support of my real-life artist partner, A.D., I had zero confidence in anything I was doing and the experiment was more therapy than art.  I wanted to be something I wasn’t and I was under the impression as many are with abstract art that, ‘I can do that, I mean, it’s just smears of paint’.  So wrong.

The lesson that has come to me from all previous areas has demonstrated itself in art as well:  With practice comes proficiency.  I won’t declare that I am proficient as an artist, but I have certainly grown in the past year and more importantly, continue to learn and work toward my goals.  There is no complacency, there is no good enough, there is mindfulness to the present level and insight into additional learning that can be attained.

In short, growth does not come from wishing and wanting, it comes from hard work, reflection, self-compassion, mindfulness, vulnerability and being uncomfortable.

I am an artist.

I am also a partner, a daughter, a sister, an aunt, a counselor, a boss, an employee, a student, a gardener, a cook, a housekeeper and a foodie.

I am not perfect at any of the things I am and you don’t need to be either.

You can accept yourself as what you are today and know that with practice you can achieve more tomorrow.

Marie Wheeler