This past weekend A.D., Tony Curado and I took a little road trip to Letchworth State Park. They go for the big landscape shots and I got out my macro lens and did my best to capture some of the fresh spring flowers.
Spring Flowers
It was the first real day that felt like spring, the sky was full of big, puffy clouds, the trees has more hints of green that in the weeks before and all I could do was scan the trail periphery for trillium, Jack-in-the-Pulpit and Lady’s-Slippers. I feel like two out of three isn’t bad, plus, I found a whole lot more, including
a beautiful yellow Bellwort.
Spring flowers always remind me of my dad as he would point them out during walks when I was little. The spring flowers were rare and delicate and ephemeral, I feel like they are always a treat and a link to the wonder of being a kid again. It’s still quite weird that you can now buy trillium for your garden, it’s cool, but it will never have the intrigue.
My favorite shots of the day are the Jack-in-the-Pulpit and the Yellow Bellwort. I like the shallow depth of field and they feel like I am there, they feel like how I saw them.
The only find that would make this better is to find that Pink Lady’s Slipper. I found it once about a decade ago and tried to take a picture, but failed in epic ways to capture any remote sense of its beauty. Every year I search and every year I miss it.
This might be the year though, maybe this spring, with my DSLR in tow, I will find my quarry.
Get outside, enjoy the fresh air and find yourself something fragile, beautiful and ephemeral. Find your magic.