
Butter-Steamed Brussels Sprouts

This year we have a new addition to give thanks for at our holiday table:  butter-steamed Brussels sprouts.  Now, I get it, many feels that they are gross or bitter or otherwise yuck.  Brussels sprouts are...

Perfectionism vs. Quality

This was scheduled to post to you on Friday as part of the Love Art, Happy Life inspired series, however, I procrastinated due to sheer exhaustion.  The lesson for last week was on ‘perfectionism’...

Roadtripping: Exploring Michigan

A.D. and I have a weird little habit:  We collect the state magnets for each state we travel and keep them on the refrigerator.  It functions as a bit of fun as well as a reminder of where we need to travel...

LAHL: Beatriz Milhazes

This week’s inspiration comes from the work of Beatriz Milhazes, a Brazilian artist born in 1960.  Her work is characterized by strong shapes from nature and bright colors. She is associated most highly...

The Push: My Values Card Sort

In keeping with the instructions for the Values Card Sort posted previously, the recommendation is to do the sort a couple of times per year.  So I did one last night.  It was harder than I remembered. Before...

Limetown: Have You Heard the Future?

I didn’t hear the future. I should really research a show before I start listening to it as I was not mentally prepared for the cliffhanger ending.  I kept looking at my phone, wondering why the next...

The App Life: Jet

I really like being able to shop in app form, especially for groceries.  Recently, Ibotta featured two new sites:  Jet and Boxed and I tried both! Today, I talk about my experience and savings with Jet. A...

Journal 52: Misheard Lyrics

The prompt this week for Journal 52 was either ‘lyrics’ or ‘misheard lyrics’.  As I’m certain was the case for many, the classic Hendrix misheard lyric of ‘excuse me while I...